- A Specialist in Nonformal Education
- Best Selling Author of OVER 20 Non-Fiction Works
- Editor & Publisher of Classic and Educational Works
- A Righteous Builder
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Soil Sundays at the Righteous Family Wellness Campus
Join us every Sunday for a day of relaxation, rejuvenation, and connection with nature. Sundays, our campus offers a serene environment perfect for unwinding and focusing on your well-being. Take part in yoga sessions, nature walks, and mindfulness activities to nourish your mind, body, and spirit. Don't miss this opportunity to recharge and revitalize in the heart of nature. See you there! All Children are free!!

Timbuktu Grand Opening
ATL Family pull up on us for the Grand Opening of Timbuktu ATL!! Timbuktu is a dope Bookstore, Educational Space,Marketplace and Cultural Center in the middle of Atlanta! Kick it with us to welcome Timbuktu ATL to the community. Timbuktu ATL is not your average bookstore, but also a spot dedicated to empowering OUR community and OUR youth through educational workshops and community engagement.
Dr. Supreme Understanding
A Bengali 5%er with a doctorate in nonformal education and a background in street corner philosophy.
Paperbacks and Hardcovers
How to Hustle and Win, Part One: A Survival Guide for the Ghetto is the social studies text of the future, explaining the world and its realities to readers who may not even like reading books! This book teaches us how to see through the lies we are told and begin creating a new reality for ourselves.
How to Hustle and Win, Part Two: Rap, Race, and Revolution is the second book to read after Part One, naturally. This book goes beyond personal awareness and development, exploring how readers can change their “hood” and then the world.
Knowledge Of Self: A Collection Of Wisdom On The Science Of Everything In Life is an anthology of wisdom from the Five Percent. It explores a wide array of issues like religion, poverty, justice, identity, race, gender, knowledge of self; the science of everything in life.
The Science Of Self: Man, God, And The Mathematical Language Of Nature is a science book that explores the cosmology introduced in Knowledge of Self. This book goes deeper into the science of “Original People” and their origins, and the mathematical language of nature.
Black God: An Introduction To The World’s Religions And Their Black Gods is another amazing history book in The Science of Self series. It provides an introduction to the world’s many religions and the reason why they often revere, either in public or in secret – a Black god. Or many of them!
Black People Invented Everything: The Deep History Of Indigenous Creativity Within the past 200 years, Black Americans have drawn on a timeless well of inner genius to innovate and engineer the design of the world we live in today. But what of all the Black history before then? With wit and wisdom this book digs deeper than the whitewashed history we learn in school books.

The Hood Health Handbook Volume 1 And Volume 2This series, is your next step, after regaining your mind and a sense of yourself from the previous books. As you reclaim yourself, you’ll want to begin living healthier. Vol. 1 teaches how to change our diets to prevent and combat disease. Vol. 2 covers mental health, emotional health, raising healthy children, and keeping a healthy home.
Supreme’s Newest Print Release
A Righteous Family Project celebrating the royalty and natural beauty of our Sisters, the melanin-rich Queens of the world. This weekly planner is designed to honor and celebrate the beauty of Original women from all over the planet, while helping readers plan out their futures successfully.
For most of us, our greatest household expense is housing. Yet often this expense doesn’t equal an investment that benefits our future outcomes! Why not“Fire Your Landlord”?
This practical guide talks you through the process, and helps you develop the mindset needed to take the steps.
A must have guide full of “Free Resources Everyone Needs, All the Basics” – like food, clothing, shelter, transportation, etc. Pretty much anything someone could need to put their life together, including how to secure a free phone, laptop, eyeglasses, bicycles, cars; even free therapy!
How to Home$chool and Win Series includes tons of free resources, programs, and ideas that will make your journey MUCH easier!
Part 1 “Free Resources for Homeschoolers”
Part 2 “Free Money for Homeschoolers”
Part 3 “How to Quit School and Stay Free”
When **it Hits the Fan: Preppers vs Steppers, This edition focuses on basic emergency preparedness and how to survive natural (and manmade) disasters.
This book also begins to address the different needs of people living in urban settings versus others.
We’re talking about gardening tools! For free! Plus a ton more. Learn everything you need to start gardening on a budget in Weed With Hoes, for Free! Every purchase goes towards our gardening workshops and outdoor therapy programs from low-income families and teenagers.
Learn everything you need to know to start growing food indoors! You won’t need an outdoor garden or acres of land to put these ideas to use. Plus there’s plenty you can do for FREE! “The Best Growhouse” is an in-depth guide full of useful and practical resources and steps to take. If you don’t think you can begin, this book will convince you that you can!
Teachers Need Money is a compilation of the BEST grants and funding we could find, brought to you with the intention of making the task of finding money for educators easy to navigate. Why? Because teachers are underpaid as it is, and there’s often few funds available for teachers to provide their students with great learning resources in underserved communities. We thought we could help fix that!
This book is a compilation of public documents and original content on COVID and how we can (a) stay healthy and (b) not give up our human rights if we are conscientious objectors to mandatory vaccinations.
Building online and real world spaces where Righteous People can experience Freedom, Fairness, and Self-Realization!

Did you know the Westside of Atlanta has a new hub for art, culture, consciousness and commerce? We call it Timbuktu. Its also where we run a trade school program teaching young folks from the hood HOW TO BUILD.

Our unique boutique hotel has a style all its own. This is a guesthouse for creatives, nature lovers, and eclectics. our kitchen is a raw vegan kitchen and everything we use is all natural. we have art supplies and games in every room. we also have a spacious backyard with a fire pit and log seating, as well as a deck for smoking and grilling. Book your stay at the GotoAtl Guesthouse

33 Acres of mixed used natural native land designated for outdoor survival workshops, camping, retreats, horseback riding, festivals, and non-profit youth programs.

Find and Go to the Best locations and support the Best righteous owned businesses inside and outside the city of Atlanta. GotoAtl | GotoForestPark | GotoStockbridge